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About HELM

HELM has known the Asian market for decades and has 11 offices on site in Asia. Having a regional head office in Singapore, HELM AG consistently focuses on its strategic orientation, namely to generate dynamic growth in Asia’s emerging markets.

HELM AG, established in Hamburg in the year 1900, has been successfully engaged as marketing enterprise for chemicals on an international scale. In particular, this long-term international experience has shown that the regional chemicals business is based on local supply structures in proximity to our partners.

In October 2020, Helm set up a local distribution company in Thailand. With this, HELM increases its focus on the Southeast Asian region, with even closer proximity to our customers in key markets. Along with fertilizers, the focal point of marketing efforts continues to be on industrial chemicals. In addition to the existing organizational structure of HELM in its traditional core markets, namely India, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, the ASEAN region is handled directly from the locations in Singapore and Bangkok.

You will stand to benefit from efficient and innovative solutions within the scope of the entire value added chain and from our specific expertise based in Singapore:

Telephone no.: +65 6718 6970
Fax no.: +65 6291 3728
E-mail: info[at]helmasia.com